Klapetart 2

Waktu itu saya blog walking ke kicthen Dewi Anwar, eh liat penampakan Klapetart di sono, jadi pengin nyobain resep versi Wilton. Sebenarnya sih bikinnya udah agak lama, tapi kelupaan nyimpen di folder yang mana, duhhh..pikun..soale ga langsung di post. Tadi iseng2 bersihin file, malah ketemu…takes time juga ngeberesin file di kompie *sigh* Tuh kan, liat poto ini jadi pengen makan klapetart lagi..huhuhu…tau nih, belakangan pengen makannn terus dah gitu banyak lagi :”> *halah malah curhat ga penting*

ya wis..resep ini enak looh..cobain deh kalo ga percaya.:D


Source : Resep Kursus Wilton Fatmawati
Posted by : Ruri Moekti Ichtiarini (Alm)

Bahan :

1000 cc fresh milk
250 gr gula pasir
50 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung custard
50 gr maizena
150 gr mentega
6 btr kuning telur -> bisa ditambah max 3 btr
2 btr kelapa muda
100 gr kenari panggang cincang
kayu manis bubuk

Toping :

6 btr putih telur
4 sdm gula pasir
2 sdm tepung terigu
kismis direndam air hangat, peras dan ciprati rhum & kayu manis bubuk
Kayu manis bubuk

Cara membuat :
1.. Didihkan 800 cc fresh milk dan gula pasir
2.. Larutkan tepung terigu, custard dan maizena dengan 200 cc fresh milk
3.. Masukkan campuran susu dan tepung kedalam susu panas, aduk terus sampai mengental dan meletup-letup
4.. Angkat dari api, masukkan mentega, aduk rata
5.. Masukkan kenari dan kayu manis bubuk
6.. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu
7.. Masukkan daging kelapa muda, aduk rata
8.. Masukkan adonan kedalam cup sampai ¾ tinggi
9.. Bakar dengan cara ditim selama 15 menit dengan suhu 160° sampai ½ matang
10.. Kocok putih telur dengan mixer sambil dimasukkan gula sedikit sedikit sampai kaku
11.. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk rata dengan spatula
12.. Semprotkan toping keatas adonan ½ matang sampai cukup tinggi, taburi dengan kismis dan kayu manis bubuk
13.. Bakar lagi sampai toping berwarna kekuningan



Salah satu dessert fave saya, Tiramisu.

Tiramisu (Italian: Tiramisù / Veneto: Tiramesù, IPA: [tirame’su]) is one of the most popular Italian desserts. It is made of savoiardi dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream. (wikipedia )


Tiramisu yang bisa berarti ‘pick me up’/ ‘lift me up’. Mereferensikan effect dari gula, cheese dan kopi dari kandungan dessert satu ini. Beberapa orang mencampurkan ingredients dengan brandy, marsala wine atau minuman alkohol lainnya untuk menghangatkan badan dan menaikan semangat.

Homemade Tiramisu saya ini tidak mengandung alkohol.  Hanya menggunakan coffee instant saja ^_^  juga tetap membangkitkan semangat:p.  Manuela teman saya yang orang Italy, ketika dia nyicipin tiramisu ala saya ini, katanya sih rasanya sama dengan Tiramisu yang sering di buat mamanya di kampungnya sana, heuhuhuhee…

Resep tiramisu ini saya dapat dari Yana *bless her*,  teman di Lancaster, dan saya modifikasi sedikit.


Ingredients :

3 egg yolks

175g white sugar

1 pack / 250 g mascarpone cheese ( at room temperature )

1-2 pack lady fingers biscuit/sponge fingers

Instant Coffee

Cocoa for dusting

Semi sweet chocolate to make choc curl (optional )

for Whipped cream :

250ml  heavy/double cream

1tbsp vanilla sugar

1/4 cup caster sugar

or you can buy in supermarket a pot/carton ready use whipped cream:D * It’s me!:p*

Directions :

1.  Whisk egg yolks and sugar in the bowl in the top of double boiler over boiling water. Stirring constantly until thick and lemon coloured. Remove bowl, set aside and let it cool.

2. Add mascarpone cheese, beat until combine and smooth.

3. In a separate bowl, mix double cream, vanila sugar and caster sugar. Whip cream until form stiff peaks and curdle.

4. Lightly fold the whipped cream into mascarpone mixture. Whisk together  until the mixtures are combined.

5. Dip one piece of sponge in the coffee syrup and place in the bottom of a serving dish, or glass and trim it to fit if necessary. Spread the mascarpone mixture on top. Make another layer of sponge with the remaining pieces or fingers. Cover with the rest of the mascarpone. Refrigerate the tiramisu fo4hrs/leave overnight. Serve dusted with cocoa or grated chocolate.



Gara2 jalan2 ke blognya Monik eh ngliat kue satu ini. Jadi inget dulu sering kebagian klapetart kalo pas lagi ada acara di rumahnya. Jadi kangen, jadi pengen bikin sendiri..Resepnya saya sedikit modif.


5 egg yolk
50-75gr sugar
1 can sweet condensed milk
600ml fresh milk
8 tbs corn starch
8 tbs flour (add more flour if you like thicker texture)
1- 2 can young coconut meat, roughly chopped
1 + 1/2 cups Almonds (optional)
1 + 1/2 cup Raisins, mix with rhum
Ground Cinnamon

Topping :

5 egg white
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp flour

In a large saucepan, mix the first 6 ingredients well and stir until thickened. Remove from heat.
Add  coconut meat, 1 cup of almonds, 1 cup raisins and rhum, mix well.
Put mixture into a lightly greased casserole dish. Bake for 15- 20 mins.

Meanwhile beat egg whites until it becomes stiff, gradually add sugar and flour. Spread on top of the cake. Sprinkle almonds, raisin and cinnamon evenly on top.

Bake again for 30 minutes or until golden brown, 350 F.

Thx Mon, resepnya..

Classic blackberry and apple crumble

Duh saya jadi ketagihan sama dessert yang satu ini. Rasanya yang bercampur antara manis, kecut , creamy dan harum cinnamon menciptakan perasaan hangat, nyaman dan gembira. Ceilee….tapi bener kok, harum dan cita rasa cinnamon memberi nuansa tersendiri pada dessert ini. Bikinnya jg gampang, ga ribet..:D.

Resep dari : Sainsbury Mags.


1kg Bramley apples, peeled and cored

40g butter

1pack blackberry

1 tbsp caster sugar if you don’t like your fruit too tart

For the crumble:

110g cold butter,cubed

200g plain flour

75g caster sugar


1. Preheat oven to 190 deg.celcius

2. Cut the apples into large chunks, put them in a pan and toss with the butter and a couple of tablespoon of water over a moderate heat.

3. When apples start to soften, but are still keeping their shape, stir in the blackberry.

4. Tip the fruit into baking dish, sprinkle with the sugar, if using. ( I put a pinch of cinnamon in the fruit as well )

5. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips/in a food processor.

6. Stir in the sugar, add a few drops of water and shake the bowl so that a few larger crumbs appear.

7. Tip on top of the fruit letting it sit loosely.

8. Bake for 35 minutes or the crumbs are golden and crisp.

9. By all means put a or two pinch cinnamon in the topping. Serve with thick cream, ice cream ( I choose the ice cream instead:p)

Enjoy your dessert..!